Angels Worship in Heaven and on Earth 5 May 2024

Ps John Rhodes   -  

Shepherds were faithfully looking after their sheep when an angel appeared. The angel shared the good news about the birth of Jesus. Next, a great multitude of angels appeared worshiping God saying, “Glory to God in the highest heaven.” (Luke 2:14).

Angel are powerful spirit beings. They worship God and bring messages from Heaven to Earth. There are also “angels” on Earth. The word “angel” means messenger. Ordinary people who do good deeds, worship, and share messages from God may be called angels. In Luke chapter 2, there are three “angels on Earth,” each displaying a different type of worship.
1.     Shepherds with responsive worship
After the angelic revelation, the shepherds hurried and found Mary, Joseph, and the baby lying in a manger (Luke 2:16). They then would become angels on Earth. They “spread the word” (v17) and returned to theiir lives glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen…(v20). The shepherds represent ordinary people who find Christ and respond by sharing it with others and worshiping God. After I accepted Christ I shared it with my friends and became an avid worshiper–with responsive worship. We now move forward 40 days. Joseph and Mary took the baby Jesus to the nearby Temple in Jerusalem to be dedicated.
2.     Simeon with discerning worship
The second “angel on Earth” is an aged man. Simeon was probably a priest, but focus in the Bible is on him being a righteous and devout person. He was “moved by the Spirit” (v27) to go to the temple courts where he met the holy family. Simeon embraced the baby Jesus in his arms and worshiped God saying,“Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, …my eyes have seen your salvation”–with discerning worship. He then gave three prophetic messages. Simeon’s messages reveal how well he knew the Old Testament.

The message for all was that Jesus would be “…a light for revelation to the nations,” quoting Isaiah 51:4. The message for Israel was that Jesus would be the glory of Israel. (Isa.44:43). Simeon also had a specific word for Mary. Separately, he said to her, “This child is destined to … be a sign that will be spoken against… the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed… a sword will pierce your own soul too.” A sword is a symbol of God’s word in judgement, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb.4:12). Jesus saves by helping us to separate out sin from our thoughts (more accurately than critical theory!) Simeon represents those who are faithful, righteous in Christ, and know scripture. They are– open to the Spirit’s leading, discern things about Jesus, and worship God discerningly. They share prophetic messages with scriptural backing.
3.     Anna with breakthrough or birthing worship
The third “angel on Earth” was an aged widow (84yr). In contrast to Simeon, Anna’s pedigree is given. She is a prophet, from the tribe of Asher, and intensely devout. She never left the temple and worshipped continually with fasting and praying (v36)–a breakthrough worshiper. She spoke about Jesus at the right time to all the appropriate people. Anna is translated “Hannah” in Hebrew, the woman who prayed intensely and birthed the king-maker prophet, Samuel.

Worship God responsively for your salvation, with discernment through a growing knowledge of scripture and experience with God, and at appropriate times intensively for spiritual breakthroughs and birthing something new.